Speed Gate PG 03
Speed Gate PG 03 foi projetado especialmente para locais elegantes, visando controle de acesso de pedestres e segurança de nível médio-baixo. O Speed Gate PG 03 fornece segurança aprimorada de acesso através de sensores. Também disponível com a versão adequada para pedestres com mobilidade reduzida (largura de passagem compatível com o acesso à ADA).
Especificações da Speed Gate PG 03
110/220V. 60/50 Hz. AC (% ± 10), 24 V DC.
Single Unit : at stand-by ~10 W, during passage max. ~39 W
Center Unit : at stand-by ~ 10 + 10 W, during passage max.~ 39 + 39 W
550 mm Clear Passage Width
Single Unit : 1488 x 175 (+250 wing length) x1000 mm
Center Unit : 1488 x 175 (+250×2 wing length) x1000 mm
Combo Unit : 1488 x 175 (+250+425 wing length) x1000 mm
900 mm Clear Passage Width
Single Unit : 1488 x 175 (+425 wing length) x1000 mm
Center Unit : 1488 x 175 (+425×2 wing length) x1000 mm
Combo Unit : 1488 x 175 (+250+425 wing length) x1000 mm
Body Features:
The body is made of electrostatic powder coated steel (opt.304-grade stainless steel).
Adequate space is available inside both sides of the body for installation of various reader
devices and wiring.
12mm thick acrylic or 10mm tempered glass wings with 900 and 1200 mm heights as
Top Lid:
Tempered glass top lid (opt. other materials).
~50 kg (single), ~60 kg (center).
Operating Temperature, Humidity, IP Rating:
(-20°C) – (+68°C) (opt:- 50°C with heater positive), RH 95% (±2%) non-condensing, IP 44 indoor.
Illuminated LED indicators are provided on both posts and on top lid. Indicators illuminate in blue at stand by; green during authorized passages (sliding asteroid animated on top lid); red when an unauthorized attempt is detected or during alert mode.
Control System:
Controlled by dry contact or grounding input. All inputs are opto-coupler protected.
Compatible with all access control systems that provide dry contact or grounding outputs. Optional RS232/RS485/TCP IP control module is available.
System Features:
Industrial design with IR multisensory passage detection system, PWM DC motor, controlled by microprocessor.
Wings open rapidly to allow passage when input is received by either direction.
Internal dip switch selectable free passage by photocell detection, restricted access, controlled access on both or single direction modes are built in features.
Passage lane is controlled by 8 pieces of sensors.
Thanks to adjustable electronic torque control in addition to safety sensors, wings do not harm a person; in case of getting stuck, wings stop and reverse.
Wings do not open when in closed position.
Passages can be restricted by enable/disable feature even if the passage authorization is granted.
Time Out:
2-6-12 seconds or infinite, dipswitch selectable.
Output Data:
System provides dry contact passage feedback by relays separately for each direction. System provides busy signal during passage.
System works bi-directional (in-out).
Suitable for passages with wheelchair, suitcase, trolley (PG 03 90 models).
Normally the wings are in closed position. Upon authorization from the control unit, the wings open to allow passage of a single person and return to the closed position. In case of multiple authorization from the control unit, wings keep open until the continuous passages are completed.
Built in sensors detect unauthorized entry into the passge area and gate generates audio/visual alarm. In case of an unauthorized attempt by entering the passage area before the wings are closed, wings close to prevent the unauthorized passage while the gate generates alarm. In any case, presence of a person between the open wings is detected by safety sensors and gate stops the movement of the wings to prevent a harm to the person.
Flow Rate:
Wing opening speed/time : ~0,5-1,2 sec. wing closing speed/time: ~0,5-1,2 sec.
Nominal : ~30 – 60 passages/minute (recommended reference figure).
Utilisation of different access control units can change the flow rate.
Emergency Mode
System allows free passage in emergency mode and in case of power failure by unlocking the wings.
Remote control unit, manual control, coin slot/intelligent coin system and coin box, counter, card reader pole, photocell alarm sensor, interface unit for PC, RS485, RS232 and LAN, audio-messaging system, base plate, separator.